Training and Capacity Building for
Financial Institutions

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Suite V8, Nine Planets Apartments:
Kabarnet Gardens (Off Ngong Road)

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Training and Capacity Building for
Financial Institutions

We empower financial institutions to unlock their full potential through tailored training and capacity-building solutions. From enhancing leadership skills and operational efficiency to strengthening risk management, and customer engagement, our programs are designed to equip teams with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in a competitive financial landscape. Let us help you build a stronger, more agile institution ready to lead in today’s dynamic market.

Strategy and policy development.

We work closely with governments, regulatory bodies, and financial institutions to design and implement inclusive financial strategies and policies tailored to selected industries, including strategies for working with groups, primary co-operatives, and Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOs) and Banks

Training and capacity building.

We offer comprehensive training and capacity building programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of financial service providers, primary co-operatives, and SACCOs operating in our strategic industries.
Our training focuses on areas such as financial management, governance, and credit management.

Market research and analysis.

We conduct in-depth market research and analysis to identify opportunities and develop targeted financial inclusion strategies for underserved populations in selected industries.
We explore collective production and marketing models to uplift partners at the bottom of the economic pyramid.

Digital Financial Inclusion.

We leverage digital technologies and mobile solutions to expand access to financial services in remote and underserved areas.
Our capabilities in digital transformation services enables us to help our Clients unlock new opportunities in the market, and to navigate the highly regulated and competitive landscape

Product and service design.

We assist financial institutions, financial technology (fintech) companies, microfinance institutions, and SACCOs to develop responsive and inclusive financial products and services that cater to the unique needs of individuals, groups, primary co-operatives, and MSMEs in our selected industries of focus.

Partnership development.

We facilitate strategic partnerships and collaborations between financial institutions, technology providers, NGOs, government agencies, cooperatives, and supply chain actors. These partnerships help create a supportive ecosystem for financial inclusion, and drive collective impact from a market systems perspective

Case Study:

Capacity building of ABSA Bank to develop financing products for agribusiness SMEs, IFAD, PROFIT, Kenya
Provided capacity building and technical assistance (ABSA Bank), to enhance its capacity to avail a range of financial services and products suited to target groups for the selected value chains under the Program for Rural Outreach of Financial Innovations and Technologies (PROFIT) initiative funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Government of Kenya and implemented in partnership with the National Treasury.